All are Welcome!

We are a community that unconditionally welcomes people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, immigration statuses, economic realities, and political persuasions. God loves everyone, with no exceptions. We have a long history of welcoming all those who feel like they are on the margins of society. Our life together—and in service to others—centers on God’s radical hospitality that invites us to be fed at God’s table in the Holy Eucharist so that we in turn can help feed a world hungry for grace, justice, and reconciliation.

St. Thomas’ Parish is a progressive congregation of The Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Washington. We invite you to join us in our common journey to deepen our relationships with God and one another.

The mission statement of our parish is:

As St. Thomas′ Parish, we are followers of Jesus, striving
 to see Christ in each person, and
to be Christ in our community, our city, and our world.

Through our liturgy, music, community life, opportunities for spiritual growth, and active care for the least among our neighbors, we strive to see Christ alive in our world, and to be Christ for others, as we model courageous love, compassionate justice, and self-giving service.