
The vestry is the governing board within any Episcopal Church. In the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, it consists of the rector, two wardens, and a number of vestry members who, together with the wardens, are elected at the parish’s annual meeting. According to the Canons and Constitution of the Episcopal Church, the vestry manages the temporal affairs and property of the parish, which includes approving the parish budget.

Additionally, the vestry is committed to the spiritual life and growth of the congregation. Together with the rector, they have a responsibility to model the mission of the parish as they lead them in fulfilling that mission.

The vestry at St. Thomas’ Parish consists of the rector, two wardens, and nine vestry members. A clerk and a treasurer also serve.

2024 Vestry


Senior Warden – Reggie Greer

Junior Warden – Elizabeth Terry

Vestry Members

Stephen Schembs

Victoria Jowers

Amy Doolittle

Willis Tatterson

Susan Faria

Jasper Knight Champion

David Swanson

Expectations of all Vestry Members

1. Pray for St. Thomas and regularly attend worship services and activities.

2. Model the Christian life by proclaiming the good news in word and deed.

3. Practice faithful stewardship of finances by making and paying a responsible annual pledge, and supporting the stewardship ministries of the parish.

4. Prepare for and actively participate in monthly Vestry meetings and additional meetings as required. This means missing no more than two regular meetings per year. Baring extreme circumstances, it is expected a member will resign from vestry after missing more than two meetings.

5. Serve as vestry teller and/or vestry host at least every other month).

6. Lean in when required (e.g., helping with various tasks that arise or committees that may need to be formed).

7. Listen to and deal with views of parishioners, especially their questions, suggestions, complaints, and compliments. As appropriate, share these views with the clergy, staff and/or Vestry.

8. Speak the truth in love for the building up of the body of Christ in the church. Do not participate in gossip, hidden agendas or negative after-meeting “parking lot” discussions.

9. Listen to each other carefully and respectfully. Ensure everyone has been heard, and is persuaded that the decision-making process is fair. Vestry members are not required to agree with all the decisions of the group or to conceal their disagreement, but they are expected to support the group’s decisions and the integrity of the Vestry and its officers.