
Our primary worship service of the Holy Eucharist (aka Holy Communion, the Lord’s Supper, or Mass) is at 10:30 am on Sunday mornings. St. Thomas’ Parish and are live-streamed on Facebook.  Following worship, all are welcome to join us for Coffee Hour.

We are a multi-lingual community using bi-lingual Spanish and English bulletin. Headsets are provided to those who would like to hear the service in Spanish. All are welcome at our table for holy communion as it is God’s table not ours. 

It is made ready for those whom God loves – those who love God and those who desire to know God’s love more deeply. 

So, come, you have much faith and you who have little, you who have been here often and you who have not been here long, you who have tried to follow and you who have failed. Come, because it is God who invites you. It is God’s will that those who want to know God will meet God there.

Adapted from The Iona Community, Iona Abbey Worship Book.

Music Ministry


Our parish enjoys singing together many parts of our worship rather than only having them performed for us, including psalms and hymns. Our choir currently leads us in worship at the 10:30 am service with rehearsal at 9.30am, Sunday mornings. Celebrating diversity, our choir leads worship in many different genres. Our service music is simple enough to allow everyone to participate, some having been written specifically for St. Thomas’ Parish.  If you would like to be a part of the music ministry at either Sunday service, please know that you are welcome to contact our Music Director, Michael Lodicovia e-mail.